
Under The Prophet In Utah The National Menace Of A Political Priestcraft

By: Frank J. Cannon and Harvey Jerrold O'Higgins
Published By: Double9 Books
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About the Book

"Und?r th? Proph?t in Utah" is a historical work author?d by Frank J. Cannon and Harv?y J?rrold O'Higgins. This book off?rs a uniqu? and critical p?rsp?ctiv? on th? r?ligious and social landscap? of Utah during th? lat? 19th and ?arly 20th c?nturi?s. Frank J. Cannon, a form?r Unit?d Stat?s S?nator from Utah, and Harv?y J?rrold O'Higgins provid? an insid?r's vi?w of th? stat?'s compl?x r?ligious and political dynamics, with a particular focus on th? influ?nc? of th? Church of J?sus Christ of Latt?r-day Saints (LDS Church) and its l?ad?r at th? tim?, Jos?ph F. Smith. Th? book discuss?s th? th?ocratic control ?x?rcis?d by th? LDS Church ov?r Utah and its r?sid?nts, sh?dding light on th? chall?ng?s fac?d by non-Mormon r?sid?nts, commonly r?f?rr?d to as "G?ntil?s, " who oft?n ?xp?ri?nc?d discrimination and dis?nfranchis?m?nt. It d?lv?s into issu?s such as polygamy, ?conomic dominanc?, and th?ocratic rul?. "Und?r th? Proph?t in Utah" is notabl? for its candid and som?tim?s controv?rsial portrayal of Mormonism and its l?ad?rs. Th? authors r?count th?ir own ?xp?ri?nc?s and int?ractions with promin?nt figur?s in th? LDS Church, providing a firsthand account of th? compl?xiti?s and controv?rsi?s surrounding th? Church's practic?s and its impact on th? broad?r community.

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About Author

Frank J. Cannon and Harvey Jerrold O'Higgins

Frank Jenne Cannon (January 25, 1859 – July 25, 1933) was Utah's first US Senator, serving from 1896 until 1899. Cannon was the eldest child of Sarah Jenne Cannon and George Q. Cannon and was born in Salt Lake City. His father was an apostle and afterwards a member of the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Frank Cannon attended Salt Lake City High School before attending the University of Deseret, where he graduated at the age of 19. In 1878, he married Martha Brown of Ogden. Harvey Jerrold O'Higgins (November 14, 1876 – February 28, 1929) was a novelist and journalist of Canadian origin. In 1876, he was born in London, Ontario. From 1893 to 1897, he attended the University of Toronto but did not graduate. He began his career as a journalist in Toronto, but quickly relocated to the United States after his detective stories were published in American periodicals. He also contributed to political and sociological publications. He then began writing longer works of fiction and began working on social issues with various specialists as collaborators, including Ben B. Lindsey (The Beast and The Doughboy's Religion), Harriet Ford (On the Hiring Line), Frank J. Cannon (Under the Prophet in Utah), and Edward H. Reade (psychoanalysis of prominent figures).

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Double 9 Books
  • Publishing Year: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 204Pages
  • ISBN-10:9359323896
  • ISBN-13:9789359323893
  • Item Weight: 306g
  • Dimension : 216 x 140 x 11.5mm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Importer: Double 9 Books
  • Packer: Double 9 Books
  • Book Type : History / General