The White People is set against the backdrop of a magical, dreamlike Scotland, this story explores themes of sensitivity, perception, and the connection between the living and the ethereal. The protagonist, a young girl gifted with the ability to see and feel the presence of spirits, navigates a world where the boundaries between the living and the dead blur. Her encounters with these otherworldly figures, whom she perceives as white souls, evoke both a sense of wonder and a deep understanding of the spiritual realm. As she grows, her sensitivity opens doors to profound experiences that challenge her view of life and death. Central to her journey is a connection with a beloved writer whose work resonates deeply with her. This relationship, initially intellectual and later emotional, becomes a catalyst for self-discovery and understanding. Themes of love, loss, and the transcendent nature of human experience shape the narrative. Through her encounters with the spirits and her bond with the writer, the girl finds clarity and peace, leading to an emotional resolution that leaves the reader with a profound sense of inner calm and reflection on the mysteries of existence.
Anglo-American novelist Frances Hodgson Burnett was born in Manchester, England on 24 November 1849. She started writing when she was young to help her family through difficult times. After her father passed away in 1854, Frances Hodgson's circumstances became progressively more difficult as she grew older. The family left Europe in 1865 and relocated in New Market, Tennessee, close to Knoxville, but the support promised by a maternal relative did not materialize. Hodgson was successful in getting a story accepted by Godey's Lady's Book in 1868. Within a few years, Godey's, Scribner's Monthly, Peterson's Ladies' Magazine, and Harper's all routinely published her work. After spending a year in England, she married Dr. Swan Moses Burnett of New Market in 1873. A number one bestseller in 1886, Little Lord Fauntleroy eventually enjoyed success as a play, immortalized her son's curls and velvet suits, and was adapted into a silent film. Her stories often feature rags-to-riches themes that mirror her own journey from disadvantaged beginnings to renowned novelist. She became a hot topic due to her extravagant Victorian style attire, divorce, extensive travels, literary network of friends, and their gatherings. She was generous in financing different organizations, particularly those involving children.