
The Papers And Writings Of Abraham Lincoln Vol. 2

By: Abraham Lincoln
Published By: Double9 Books
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About the Book

"Th? Pap?rs and Writings of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. 2" is a compilation of th? influ?ntial writings and sp??ch?s of Abraham Lincoln, th? 16th Pr?sid?nt of th? Unit?d Stat?s. Publish?d posthumously, this volum? is a tr?asur? trov? of Lincoln's original docum?nts, l?tt?rs, sp??ch?s, and oth?r writings, providing invaluabl? insight into his thoughts and l?ad?rship. In this coll?ction, Lincoln’s ?loqu?nt sp??ch?s such as th? G?ttysburg Addr?ss and his inaugural addr?ss?s ar? promin?ntly f?atur?d, showcasing his r?markabl? ability to articulat? th? principl?s of d?mocracy, fr??dom, and ?quality. Additionally, r?ad?rs can ?xplor? his p?rsonal l?tt?rs, including thos? to his wif?, Mary Todd Lincoln, off?ring a glimps? into his privat? lif? and th? chall?ng?s h? fac?d. Th?s? writings illuminat? Lincoln's d?dication to pr?s?rving th? Union during th? Civil War, his commitm?nt to ?nding slav?ry through th? Emancipation Proclamation, and his profound moral and ?thical convictions. Th?y r?v?al a l?ad?r who grappl?d with th? most significant issu?s of his tim? and navigat?d th? nation through on? of its dark?st p?riods. Volum? 2 of "Th? Pap?rs and Writings of Abraham Lincoln" is an ?ss?ntial r?sourc? for scholars, historians, and anyon? int?r?st?d in th? lif? and l?gacy of on? of Am?rica's gr?at?st pr?sid?nts, off?ring a d??p und?rstanding of Lincoln's wisdom, l?ad?rship, and ?nduring impact on th? Unit?d Stat?s.

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About Author

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln (February 12, 1809 – April 15, 1865) was an American lawyer, politician, and statesman who served as the 16th President of the United States between 1861 and 1865. Lincoln led the Union through the American Civil War to maintain the country as a constitutional union, and he was successful in eradicating slavery, strengthening the federal government, and modernizing the American economy. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin in Kentucky into poverty and educated on the frontier, mostly in Indiana. He educated himself and moved on to work as a lawyer, Whig Party leader, Illinois state politician, and a US Congressman from Illinois. He returned to his thriving law profession in Springfield, Illinois, in 1849. In 1854, he became furious by the Kansas-Nebraska Act, that legalized slavery in the territories, and he returned to politics. He quickly ascended to popularity as the new Republicans Party's head. In the 1858 Senate campaign debates against Stephen A. Douglas, he acquired a national audience. During 1860, Lincoln campaigned for president and won through conquering the north. Pro-slavery factions in the South saw his election as a threat to slavery, and Southern states began to secede from the country. The newly created Confederate States of America began seizing federal military bases in the South about this time.

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Double 9 Books
  • Publishing Year: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 260Pages
  • ISBN-10:9359323977
  • ISBN-13:9789359323978
  • Item Weight: 390g
  • Dimension : 216 x 140 x 14.5mm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Importer: Double 9 Books
  • Packer: Double 9 Books
  • Book Type : History / General