
The New Physics And Its Evolution

By: Lucien Poincare
Published By: Double9 Books
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About the Book

"Th? N?w Physics and Its Evolution" is a thought-provoking ?xploration of th? ?v?r-?volving landscap? of physics, d?lving into th? fascinating d?v?lopm?nts, paradigms, and transformativ? discov?ri?s that hav? r?shap?d our und?rstanding of th? fundam?ntal laws gov?rning th? univ?rs?. This illuminating book off?rs r?ad?rs a compr?h?nsiv? journ?y through th? history of physics, tracing its ?volution from classical th?ori?s to th? cutting-?dg? fronti?rs of mod?rn physics. With clarity and d?pth, it navigat?s complex conc?pts, unv?iling th? profound implications and r?volutionary id?as that continu? to shap? th? fi?ld. Through th? l?ns of "Th? N?w Physics and Its Evolution, " r?ad?rs ar? invit?d to ?mbark on a captivating int?ll?ctual odyss?y, gaining insight into th? minds of visionary physicists who chall?ng?d conv?ntional wisdom, shatt?r?d barri?rs, and push?d th? boundari?s of human knowl?dg?. This book not only highlights th? pivotal mom?nts and k?y figur?s in th? history of physics but also ?xamin?s th? int?rplay b?tw??n th?ory, ?xp?rim?ntation, and t?chnological advanc?m?nts that hav? prop?ll?d physics into n?w r?alms of und?rstanding. Wh?th?r you ar? a s?ason?d physicist or a curious ?nthusiast, “Th? N?w Physics and Its Evolution" promis?s to ?ngag?, inform, and inspir?, off?ring a dynamic narrativ? that und?rscor?s th? c?as?l?ss ?volution of a disciplin? that continu?s to unlock th? myst?ri?s of th? univ?rs?.

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About Author

Lucien Poincare

Lucien Poincaré was a French physicist who lived from 22 July 1862 to 9 March 1920. Poincaré was born on the 22nd of July 1862, in Bar-le-Duc, France. Following a remarkable academic career, he was appointed inspector general of physical science in 1902, secondary education director at the Ministry of Public Instruction in 1910, higher education director in 1914, and rector of the Academie de Paris in 1917. On the occasion of President Wilson's visit to Paris for the Peace Conference, he received him at the Sorbonne. He was Raymond Poincaré's brother and the cousin of mathematician and theoretical physicist Henri Poincaré. Poincaré died on March 9, 1920, in Paris.

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Double 9 Books
  • Publishing Year: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 176Pages
  • ISBN-10:9359327565
  • ISBN-13:9789359327563
  • Item Weight: 264g
  • Dimension : 216 x 140 x 10.0mm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Importer: Double 9 Books
  • Packer: Double 9 Books
  • Book Type : Science / General