“The Gods” is a heartfelt historical fiction written by Robert Green Ingersoll. The book is a collection of short essays and lectures that are specially examined in context of religious beliefs add godhood. Through this book the author has provided thought provoking ideas of his own experienced where he faced challenges in gaining religious ideas for the reason of science and humanism. Through this book, Ingersoll explores different ideas of religion which includes the nature of deity existence of God and a perfect rule of religion in an hour society. He also shows the arguments would he be present through his notions on a personal intervention of God. Ingersoll’s writing has been appraised for his eloquent and quality evidence on the advocacy of intellectual freedom. He represents the logic and evidence to all critic religious beliefs and raises his voice for the humanist values which embraces each and every individual autonomy, behaviour and social justice. Moreover, the book can be considered the powerful evidence and critique of various religious orthodoxy and generate ideas to continue to influence atheism and morality.
American lawyer, politician, and orator Robert Green Ingersoll was well-known for his compelling writings and speeches supporting rationalism, agnosticism, and secularism. Ingersoll, who was born in Dresden, New York, rose to prominence as a speaker in the late 19th century, winning over listeners with his sharp wit, eloquence, and progressive viewpoints. Although Ingersoll started out as a prosperous lawyer, he became well-known for his lectures across the country on subjects ranging from politics and religion to social reform and humanism. Because of his vocal opposition to organised religion and support of reason and science, he earned the nickname "The Great Agnostic" Ingersoll was a fervent supporter of freedom of speech and thinking throughout his life. He supported causes like women's rights, abolitionism, and the separation of religion and state because he thought that knowledge and enlightenment might better society.