"Rainbow's End" is an adventure novel with the Spanish-American War as its backdrop. This thrilling story is set in Cuba during that country's battle for freedom from Spain. It has unique characters, a heartbreaking yet amazing love story, and a quest for an undiscovered treasure. Some chapters of the novel are interesting while others can create panic among the readers. The title character is so indulging that he compels the reader to read the entire story. The twist and turn in the plot thrills the reader and forces the reader to turn pages. This edition of Rainbow’s End has an eye-catching cover and a professionally typeset manuscript that is both modern and readable.
Rex Ellingwood Beach (September 1, 1877 - December 7, 1949) was an American novelist, playwright, and Olympic water polo player. He was born in Atwood, Michigan, but moved to Tampa, Florida, with his family where his father was growing fruit trees. Beach was educated at Rollins College, Florida (1891-1896), the Chicago College of Law (1896-97), and Kent College of Law, Chicago (1899-1900). In 1900 he was drawn to Alaska at the time of the Klondike Gold Rush. After five years of unsuccessful prospecting, he turned to writing. His second novel The Spoilers (1906) was based on a true story of corrupt government officials stealing gold mines from prospectors, which he witnessed while he was prospecting in Nome, Alaska. The Spoilers became one of the bestselling novels of 1906.