
Petition and memorial of David Quinn, asking for the re-establishment of Negro slavery in the United States

By: David Quinn
Published By: Double9 Books
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About the Book

Slavery was abolished in certain states, and David Quinn sent a petition and memorial to the government asking for its reinstatement in those states as well as its reinstatement in all other states and territories. In addition to asserting that there is a general disparity among human races, which breeds chaos and hostility, the paper makes the case that human rules must be in accordance with the laws of nature. According to Quinn, once the mind gives way to matter, mentalities become as varied as the hues of human skin, and although education may advance, it will always be constrained by the unique or universal limitations set up by nature. According to the text, there are seven different types of men: Caucasian, Mongolian, Malay, Australian, Indian, Arctic, and Negro. These distinctions are as clear-cut as those between various animal species.

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About Author

David Quinn

David Quinn strives to entertain, educate, and inspire many readers. Through their writing, the author aims to create immersive and thought-provoking stories that transport readers to new worlds and challenge their perspectives. The author believes in the power of storytelling to connect people across cultures and backgrounds to make a positive impact on the world. With years of experience in writing and a deep understanding of the craft, David Quinn is a skilled wordsmith who knows how to captivate readers and hold their attention until the very end.

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Double 9 Books
  • Publishing Year: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 32 Pages
  • ISBN-10: 935871512X
  • ISBN-13: 9789358715125
  • Item Weight: 38.4g
  • Dimension : 216 x 140 x 2.31 mm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Reading age : 10+
  • Importer: Double 9 Books
  • Packer: Double 9 Books
  • Book Type : Juvenile Nonfiction / General,History / General,Juvenile Nonfiction / History / General