
Masters Of Space

By: Edward E. Smith & E. Everett Evans
Published By: Double9 Books
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About the Book

"Mast?rs of Spac?" is a collaborativ? sci?nc? fiction nov?l co-author?d by Edward E. Smith and E. Ev?r?tt Evans. This work is part of th? L?nsman s?ri?s, which is r?nown?d for its ?pic spac? op?ra storyt?lling and influ?nc? on th? sci?nc? fiction g?nr?. Th? story follows th? adv?ntur?s of Rod?rick Kinnison, a m?mb?r of th? ?lit? Galactic Patrol. In a vast and t?chnologically advanc?d univ?rs?, Kinnison is ?quipp?d with th? L?ns, a pow?rful and s?nti?nt d?vic? that ?nhanc?s his m?ntal and physical abiliti?s. Kinnison's mission is to combat th? n?farious Boskon?, an int?rgalactic criminal organization b?nt on domination and chaos. As Kinnison battl?s th? forc?s of Boskon? across th? cosmos, h? forms allianc?s with oth?r L?nsm?n and rac?s from various plan?ts, cr?ating a grand tap?stry of int?rst?llar conflict. Th? nov?l f?atur?s ?pic spac? battl?s, compl?x political man?uv?ring, and th? ov?rarching struggl? b?tw??n good and ?vil. Edward E. Smith and E. Ev?r?tt Evans collaborat?d s?aml?ssly to cr?at? a narrativ? that s?aml?ssly int?grat?s th?ir r?sp?ctiv? writing styl?s and storyt?lling prow?ss. "Mast?rs of Spac?" is known for its thrilling action s?qu?nc?s and intricat? world-building, which has captivat?d r?ad?rs for g?n?rations.

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About Author

Edward E. Smith & E. Everett Evans

Edward Elmer Smith (May 2, 1890 – August 31, 1965) was an American food engineer and science-fiction author best known for his Lensman and Skylark novels. He is sometimes referred to as the "Father of Space Opera." Edward Elmer Smith was born on May 2, 1890, in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to Fred Jay Smith and Caroline Mills Smith, both devout Presbyterians of British origin. His mother was a teacher born in Michigan in February 1855, and his father was a sailor born in Maine to an English father in January 1855. The winter after Edward Elmer was born, they relocated to Spokane, Washington, where Mr. Smith worked as a contractor in 1900. Edward Everett Evans (November 30, 1893 – December 2, 1958) was a science fiction writer and fan from the United States. In 1953, he married science fiction novelist Thelma D. Hamm. Man of Multiple Mind (1953), The Planet Mappers (1955), and Alien Minds (1955) are among the books he wrote. Posthumously published works includes a collaboration with E. E. "Doc" Smith (Masters of Space, 1976) and a collection (Food for Demons, 1971). All of the novels are now in the public domain.

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Double 9 Books
  • Publishing Year: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 142Pages
  • ISBN-10:935932700X
  • ISBN-13:9789359327006
  • Item Weight: 213g
  • Dimension : 216 x 140 x 8.21mm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Importer: Double 9 Books
  • Packer: Double 9 Books
  • Book Type : Science / General