
Gospel Themes A Treatise On Salient Features Of "Mormonism"

By: Orson F. Whitney
Published By: Double9 Books
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About the Book

"Gosp?l Th?m?s" is a significant work by Orson F. Whitn?y, a r?nown?d l?ad?r and th?ologian within Th? Church of J?sus Christ of Latt?r-day Saints (LDS Church) during th? lat? 19th and ?arly 20th c?nturi?s. This book pr?s?nts a coll?ction of insightful ?ssays and s?rmons that ?xplor? various spiritual and doctrinal th?m?s within th? cont?xt of Mormonism. Orson F. Whitn?y's writings in "Gosp?l Th?m?s" cov?r a wid? array of topics, including th? natur? of God, th? Plan of Salvation, th? importanc? of faith and r?p?ntanc?, and th? ?nduring principl?s of th? LDS Church. H? draws upon th? scriptur?s, t?achings of church l?ad?rs, and his own spiritual ?xp?ri?nc?s to provid? r?ad?rs with a d??p?r und?rstanding of th?s? foundational gosp?l principl?s. On? of th? k?y str?ngths of "Gosp?l Th?m?s" is its ability to addr?ss both th? th?ological and practical asp?cts of th? Mormon faith. Whitn?y's thoughtful and ?loqu?nt pros? invit?s r?ad?rs to cont?mplat? th? principl?s of th? gosp?l and apply th?m to th?ir daily liv?s, ?mphasizing th? transformativ? pow?r of faith and right?ousn?ss. This book s?rv?s as a valuabl? r?sourc? for m?mb?rs of th? LDS Church s??king spiritual ?nrichm?nt and a cl?ar?r und?rstanding of th?ir faith's cor? doctrin?s.

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About Author

Orson F. Whitney

Ferguson, Orson Whitney, born in Salt Lake City, Utah Territory, was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) from 1906 until his death on May 16, 1931. Horace K. Whitney and Helen Mar Kimball raised Whitney. Whitney's father, Horace, fixed type for the Deseret News' first publication and served as a printer for the newspaper for 21 years. Whitney was a professor, politician, journalist, poet, and historian. Whitney began his writing career as a young man in 1878 with the Deseret News' commercial office, ultimately becoming a reporter and the city editor. Whitney was a missionary for the LDS Church in Pennsylvania and Ohio. During his LDS Church mission in Europe from 1881 to 1883, he served as editor of the church newspaper Millennial Star. Whitney taught English and theology at Brigham Young College in Logan, Utah, in 1896 and 1897. Whitney acquired the job of Assistant Church Historian in 1899 and held it until he was called as an apostle. Whitney was also interested in Salt Lake City and Utah politics.

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Product Details

  • Publisher: Double 9 Books
  • Publishing Year: 2023
  • Language: English
  • Paperback: 160Pages
  • ISBN-10:9359323284
  • ISBN-13:9789359323282
  • Item Weight: 240g
  • Dimension : 216 x 140 x 9.18mm
  • Country of Origin : India
  • Importer: Double 9 Books
  • Packer: Double 9 Books
  • Book Type : Art / Subjects & Themes / Religious